Monday, September 17, 2018

A profile of Soon-Yi Previn, Woody Allen's wife, draws accusations of bias and 'bizarre fabrications' relating to Dylan Farrow's sexual abuse allegation

soon-yi previn woody allen

  • A new profile of Soon-Yi Previn, Woody Allen's wife, published by Vulture has drawn criticism for its portrayal of Dylan Farrow's abuse allegation against Allen. 
  • Many social media users accused New York Magazine, Vulture's publisher, of publishing a biased article, due to the author's admitted decades-long friendship with Allen.
  • Ronan and Dylan Farrow also issued statements contradicting the article's portrayal of Dylan's allegation that Allen sexually abused her when she was seven.


A new profile of Soon-Yi Previn, Woody Allen's wife, published by Vulture on Sunday, has drawn wide criticism from the media and from Allen's children, Ronan and Dylan Farrow, for its portrayal of the latter's abuse allegation against Allen. 

In the feature, Previn addressed the backlash Allen has faced since the rise of the #MeToo movement, over Dylan Farrow's allegation that Allen sexually abused her when she was seven years old. 

"But what's happened to Woody is so upsetting, so unjust," Previn said. "[Mia Farrow, Allen's ex-girlfriend] has taken advantage of the #MeToo movement and paraded Dylan as a victim. And a whole new generation is hearing about it when they shouldn’t."

Previn discussed her adoption and upbringing with Mia Farrow and Andre Previn, her adoptive parents, and the beginning of her relationship with Allen when she was 21 years old, years after she had first known Allen as Farrow's boyfriend. Previn also accused Farrow in the article of physically abusing her for years, including slapping her across the face and "spanking" her with a hairbrush.

Social media users were quick to note that the author of the piece, Daphne Merkin, wrote in the article that she has been a friend of Allen's "for over four decades," and many thus accused Merkin and New York Magazine (Vulture's publisher) of publishing a biased article. 

Dylan Farrow, Mia Farrow and Woody Allen's adopted daughter, took to Twitter on Sunday with a statement on the article. She said that New York Magazine contacted her and described "multiple obvious falsehoods" about the story's account of her abuse allegation against Allen. 

"The story still included bizarre fabrications about my mother while failing to mention that a prosecutor found probable cause of abuse by Woody Allen and that he was in therapy for his unhealthy fixation on my body," Farrow wrote. "No one is parading me around as a victim. I continue to be an adult woman making credible allegation unchanged for two decades, backed up by evidence."

Ronan Farrow, who has published multiple bombshell articles for The New Yorker featuring sexual misconduct allegations made against the likes of Harvey Weinstein and former CBS CEO Les Moonves, also released a statement on the story. 

"I owe everything I am to Mia Farrow. She is a devoted mom who went through hell for her family all while creating a loving home for us," Farrow wrote. "But that has never stopped Woody Allen and his allies from planting stories that attack and vilify my mother to deflect from my sister’s credible allegation of abuse."

"As a brother and a son, I'm angry that New York Magazine would participate in this kind of a hit job, written by a longtime admirer and friend of Woody Allen's," he continued. "As a journalist, I’m shocked by the lack of care for the facts, the refusal to include eyewitness testimony that would contradict falsehoods in this piece, and the failure to include my sister’s complete responses. Survivors of abuse deserve better."

SEE ALSO: Dylan Farrow gave emotional, disturbingly detailed allegations of sexual assault by Woody Allen in her first TV interview

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